
David's Law or How To Politicise The Dead

The cold claws of insanity are gripping this nation tighter and tighter by the minute. Below we see a stark lesson in politicising and then weaponising the deceased for nefarious ends. David Arness wasn't murdered by forthright or rude language on Twitter, his murder was premeditated by a terrorist. It had nothing to do with online abuse, not that truth ever matters to the gremlins that occupy the offices of The Guardian. But it is a handy pretext for the bourgeois class. They're more than happy to use the tragedy of death to further their draconian agenda. And this draconian agenda is the agenda of an upper class that has, to this point, never experienced retaliation and pushback from the public; it has never before been held to account publicly. It's clear from their reaction and the conflation of pushback, argument and debate with abuse, and even with terrorism, that they're not happy with this new situation. This "I will call the manager" attitude of the u

Marxist EVISCERATES Dinesh D'Souza - Who Gets The Profit?

In case you haven't heard of him, Dinesh D'Souza is the self-proclaimed intelligentsia of conservatism and capitalism. He's so smart that he has repeatedly claimed that Nazis are socialists "because it's in the name" and that famous billionaire socialist and Marxist George Soros collaborated with Hitler. I'm being facetious here in case you're wondering.  I'm torn between dismissing D'Souza as a grifter or just accepting that American conservatives are simply vastly stupider than British ones. At least our conservatives have the courtesy to speak with a posh accent, be Oxbridge educated or affable in a way that disguises their rank politics. On another note, I've now been waiting for my Soros cheque for 892 days. I'm sure it'll be here any day now.  Any day... Anyway, below is the video of D'Souza's that I'm attacking here: Where D'Souza is right I know this video is a few years old but it's always worth debunkin

There Is No Alternative: The Myth of the 1970s

The ever loveable and canny Michael Rosen was on Good Morning Britain this morning clearly and patiently explaining why the economy doesn't work as a household budget and that we do print our own money. Here's the clip on Twitter . Kate Garraway's response: "But the 1970s!" You can see how frustrated Rosen gets by his gesturing of the universal symbol for "Hen, you talk shite". So anyway, let's bust that myth of the 1970s right now because it's a constant stumbling block for the left. The first problem, inflation, was caused by two oil shocks . The second problem, the decline in manufacturing and productivity, results from two factors: imperial overhang (i.e. the end of Empire) and erratic government policy. What resulted was a crisis of production - lots of goods being produced but nowhere to sell because imports had cracked the markets and were generally cheaper. As oil prices rose, so did the cost of production resulting in various cutbacks, u

Labour's Great Purge (1939 - 2021)

In 1983, Labour party member and Marxist Ted Grant said the following : "My final point, comrade chair and comrades. Michael Foot was expelled from this party. Nye Bevan was expelled from this party. (Interruptions) Mortimer was expelled from the party. (Calls of 'no, no') Yes, it's absolutely true, these were all expelled from the party. "Whatever the result of this vote, whether we gain a victory or whether we are expelled, we shall still continue to work for a Labour victory. "We shall still continue to work to make certain that this Tory government is thrown out, and preferably a Labour government with socialist policies returned. Whatever programme is put forward, Militant, as it has always done in the past, will continue to work for the victory of this movement. There is no way that Marxism can be separated from the Labour Party. There is no way you will succeed with these expulsions. We will be back. We will be restored, if not in one year, in two or t

Was Marx Antisemitic?

It is with great annoyance that I must inform you all that once again, prominent intellectual charlatan David Baddiel has spun the mighty Wheel of Bad Takes.  Now, I'm no self-professed genius like Baddiel and I'm certainly not self-absorbed enough to write a book on Jewishness that subsequently gets dismantled and criticised by rabbis and Jewish groups , but I'm definitely smart enough to a write blog post to illustrate his quackery.  So what's this all about then?  Baddiel has resurrected the spectre of   Karl Marx's supposed antisemitism . As unwavering proof of this, he presents a snippet from an article published in the New York Tribune, circa 1856, called The Russian Loan. He also references Marx's work On The Jewish Question, a response to Bruno Bauer's The Jewish Question. He knows this is antisemitism because he used to be something of a Marxist. And a Jew, of course. To debunk Baddiel fully, I'm going to provide the historical and material con

The Spectre of Republicanism

A spectre is haunting the UK, the spectre of republicanism, and to a lesser extent, communism. Recently, everyone's favourite producer of benighted drollery, Nigel Farage, said this: " If we destroy the monarchy then we destroy something special about our country. Harry and Meghan are doing their very best to make that become a reality. " - Tweet link Come on, Nige, what's special about the monarchy?  It's an anachronistic aberration that institutionalises its members by keeping them inured to centuries-old feudal dogma under the guise of "tradition" and "convention". The sort of traditions and conventions that actively negate any semblance of humanity that a royal might otherwise, albeit "accidentally", express. They are stripped of all of the qualities that we usually consider human and instead are compelled to live a strict and rigid life guided by incommunicable, nonsensical rules that were written the best part of a millennia ago

GB News? What's The Point? I'll tell you what...

I'm very critical of the media as an institution, as are most lefty-do-gooders, and with good reason. Once upon a time, it would've been easy to reason that the purpose of the media was to bring us news, views and investigations into the world around us, and you'd be right to do so. I do concede though that, to some degree, that is still the case. But the additional role it plays today serves a particular, different purpose and different interests.  The conversations between journo-hacks on Twitter can be incredibly informative. In these two Tweets where they both self-fellate over the new right-wing GB News channel, neither Hodges nor McGee seem to be aware of this dual purpose of the media. They're not even aware of the role they play, which they assume is simply being a journalist. In their minds, their roles are that of a crusading and self-righteous profession that speaks truth to power. As we know now, nothing could be further from the truth.  Hodges response to M