David's Law or How To Politicise The Dead
The cold claws of insanity are gripping this nation tighter and tighter by the minute. Below we see a stark lesson in politicising and then weaponising the deceased for nefarious ends. David Arness wasn't murdered by forthright or rude language on Twitter, his murder was premeditated by a terrorist. It had nothing to do with online abuse, not that truth ever matters to the gremlins that occupy the offices of The Guardian. But it is a handy pretext for the bourgeois class. They're more than happy to use the tragedy of death to further their draconian agenda. And this draconian agenda is the agenda of an upper class that has, to this point, never experienced retaliation and pushback from the public; it has never before been held to account publicly. It's clear from their reaction and the conflation of pushback, argument and debate with abuse, and even with terrorism, that they're not happy with this new situation. This "I will call the manager" attitude of the u...