
What is this blog about?

This blog is all about socialism and anti-capitalism. It's about dismantling mainstream narratives, cultural paradigms produced by capitalism and deconstructing the cocksure politics of disinformation, and providing an alternative view by arguing for socialism.

It's a place for me to air my thoughts and put forward my views and ideas, some of which are poorly formed and will develop over time as I gain knowledge and wisdom, which is really what it's all about.

Where did the name come from?

Yeah, it's a weird one, right? It's well plastic.

Actually, it's taken from a British sitcom called Nathan Barley where the eponymous character is described as a "meaningless strutting cadaver-in-waiting". I'm just adopting an aesthetic here, but there are parallels - capitalism has since become a meaningless strutting cadaver-in-waiting, "the rise of the idiots" who are more concerned about what they can consume rather than if they should are the useful idiots of capitalism, and Dan Ashcroft represents the mediocre modern journalists who have risen to fill the void left by those who became stenographers and who are frequently required to violate their own ethical code to earn a living. 

"Dan! I read your piece about jerking off a builder. Well specious."

Barley's own catchphrases are the ultimate representation of the meaningless sloganeering that has come to characterise modern politics. "Keep It Dense, Keep It Futile, Yeah?", a melding of two of his catchphrases, is the epitome of modern politics: They are dense, dull, and brainless, and arguing directly against sloganeering, tribalism, partisanship and disinformation is just... well, it's fucking futile! 

Character Jonatton Yeah? on hyper-consumerism

What sort of socialist am I?

As a Marxist, I like to believe that I'm not dogmatic. Like many comrades, I believe socialism enacted through our current democratic systems and institutions is ideal but ideals, as many know, rarely match up to the material reality for multiple reasons as I've argued in a few articles. In short, democratic socialism remains a preference, a lofty ideal which is probably, and certainly recently provably, unattainable.

I firmly believe a grass-roots, bottom-up approach is the only way forward. Socialism must start within our communities, our neighbourhoods, and we must be the change we want to see. Build solidarity, socialism, and democracy with each other, form or join tenant and workers unions and have the backs of your neighbours, friends and families when it's needed most.

But most importantly, talk to people about the importance of solidarity and socialism. Address concerns with consideration and without condemnation, build a space for comradely disagreement.

That's the sort of socialist I am.

And to that end, I recommend everyone reads Mark Fisher's excellent essay Exiting The Vampire Castle.

You should read it, dollsnatch. It's totally fucking Mexico.


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