Tommy Robinson - Crypto-Fascist Hero Worship

I'm posting here what I wrote in a reply to someone on Facebook who claimed that Tommy Robinson is not far-right, that he's out for their best interests. I have modified it slightly to make sense outside the context of a Facebook thread.

Tommy Robinson is appealing to your sense of wounded nationalistic pride - he's telling you that your problems, economically and socially aren't systemic, that there is no underlying cause. He's telling you that your problems are caused by a tiny sub-set of society that is somewhat different and unfamiliar to you - he's "othering" them - and that he can fix the problem by removing them from society. He is doing this by means of propaganda: manipulated statistics, quote-mining and attempting to lift and inspire your sense of nationalistic-patriotism and if he's told he's wrong, he'll profess to be a martyr of free-speech. He's claiming to be your hero because he'll fix what the propaganda claims - but he isn't and he won't.

Let me tell you this - if he succeeds in his actions, if he somehow become PM and got rid of all the Muslims (for example), your social and/or economic problems will still exist because he has not addressed the underlying causes. I won't go into detail here but suffice to say that successive governments since Margaret Thatcher (and maybe before) have ignored swathes of society in order to cultivate neo-liberalism - the misguided idea that all people require to fulfil their basic needs is an uncompromising and virtuous work ethic and, basically to sod every other aspect of life.

Men like Robinson only want power, they have no desire to help all or to change the "system" to favour his liegemen; the narrow section of society he has appealed to. The "system" is what allows him to do what he does in the first place; it profits his sense of pride and pocket.

I'm sorry friends, Tommy is a charlatan at best and at worst a crypto-fascist out for himself as all of his sort are.

This is the mentality of modern fascism.


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