
Showing posts from June, 2019

Anti-EU Propaganda: Ignore the Spectator on Chlorinated Chicken

A friend posted a garbage-level article from the Spectator yesterday and it has really bugged me for a number of reasons so I'm just going to sit here and dismantle the arguments and rhetoric in the article for funsies. The first part of the article is obvious rabid polemical pish where the author just bizarrely rants about Nick Clegg and makes the claim that "rEmAnIeRs" aren't really  pro free-trade because... um, well there doesn't actually appear to be any reasoning for this claim bar attempting to paint his opponents as the real  Little Englanders in what appears to be a magnificent example of projection. From here on, I'm going to dispel some of the misleading statements and blatant bullshit in the article. " In fact, the European Food Safety Agency has passed chlorinated-washed chicken for safe consumption. " This isn't the issue and the author is both dishonest and dense for trying to misrepresent it. Besides that, anti-microbial