
Showing posts from December, 2019

A History of Leftist Failure

A History of Leftist Failure 13th December 2019 will forever be remembered in the bourgeois establishment’s and media’s annals of history as being the day the left lost its argument. We should strongly admonish this notion; the loss of the Labour Party is not a statement on the nature, state or veracity of the left’s arguments for a better kind of world. The left’s arguments and policies are in fact more popular[1] than ever according to recent surveys[2]. If this truly is the case, then what went wrong? I’ll tell you, but you will not like this one bit: We stopped listening to the working class as a whole. This is a hard pill to swallow since many of us will consider ourselves, friends and families to be working class and will be unable to see past this. I’m suggesting that we’ve stopped listening to a specific, generational parts of the working class and instead started sneering at them. “Sneering at them?”, I hear you ask. Yes, sneering at them. These older generations of the

What Have The Tories Ever Done For Us?

The Conservatives have now been in power for 9 years and their list of achievements is replete with and splendidly adorned by numerous glorious and monumental failures. Let's take a look at some of these "achievements", shall we? 1,000 sure start centres closed. At least 370 libraries closed. 700 football pitches closed. Food bank use up by at least 73%. Homelessness up at least 165% since 2010. Rough sleeping up by 1,600% in some areas, 106% nationally Around 1/7 people to at risk of eviction due to Bedroom Tax. Evictions are running at record highs, up 53% since 2010. 30% of U.K. children live in poverty . Student fees tripled . Student debt has risen dramatically . Eradication of EMA (education maintenance allowance) . National debt has risen from £0.95trillion to £1.8trillion. Brexit related fall in national revenue £500b (between 1.5 - 2.5% GDP) GDP fallen to -0.1% in September, barely growing otherwise. GBP fallen by up to 12% vs EUR & U