My Stance on Freedom of Speech

I'd just like to make clear this blog's stance on freedom of speech. I do this with full awareness that I may be contradicting positions I may have held in older posts but I do so with the understanding that we all grow, change and shift our positions as we become better acquainted with them through our examined experience of them. Detractors may say I'm being hypocritical, I say I've at least learnt something.

First off, it's an unfortunate consequence of the natural intersection of politics and class that some working class people may ally themselves with fascism, conservatism or even just plain capitalism. As socialists we must realise that we hold no special monopoly on the working class and that it'd be arrogant to presume to do so. Ultimately, the struggle for freedom of speech comes down to the same class antagonisms that have existed for centuries - a monopoly of control by the bourgeoisie against the working peoples.

I fully believe in the right to freedom of speech, but that it has to be universal because it is a universally held principle - there are much better ways to deal with contemptible sorts and fascists rather than censoring and banning. Both of the latter lead to precedents and formation of conditions that will eventually remove those very freedoms from yourself. 
In my opinion, censoring and banning can actually give rise to and lend credence to fascistic modes of thought since you're violating that universally held principle for only a certain demographic. It's rhetorically useful to fascists - "We're being censored, we must be getting close to the truth!", "You hate people you disagree with" and "Leftists HATE free speech!". It engenders people to their cause.

I'm a firm believer in people power and this is why I don't need to censor or ban anyone. If someone comes to this page spouting hard-right, racist or fascist talking points, I know that everyone who follows this page will either rebut them or ridicule them. 
Even the most boorish and scornful Tory types see themselves out - I've seen it happen and it's amazing to behold! 

I have never banned anyone from this page for merely expressing an opinion, or at all in fact, and I never will. This is a space for comradely disagreement amongst all. 

But beware, fascists, you will be rebutted and ridiculed.

Thanks for following guys, I stand in solidarity with you all! ❤️✊


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