Why Do Tories Hate Hungry Children?
"So you think people should have kids if they can't afford them?" I'm tired of this argument, I'm sick of how morally derelict it is. Let's just dig a grave for it right now. What is it with people who espouse this argument? They appear to be far more concerned with what they think ought to be, grounded in their own authoritarian power-fantasy, rather than what actually is. Their ideals have been sold to them a thousand times over by a system that, only by chance, works for them. "I'm alright, Jack!" doesn't even need to pass their lips, it's always implied. They make long drawn out moralisations over those in poverty with children as if that in itself somehow magically changes their circumstances. Money, to them, is the reason you should not have children, spoken as if you can simply override biological imperatives and the innate desire within us to procreate and nurture. It's as if the basic drives of nature itself have never matt...