
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Liberal Establisment's Construction Of A Cult

You've all heard it before - "Corbynism is a CULT!", "The cult of Corbyn strikes again!". We've all been called cultists, zealots or acolytes at some point. It's a boorish and trite accusation that has followed mass political movements for change throughout history. I want to explore where these accusations come from and why they are made, and hopefully dismantle the narrative well enough for others to be able to defend themselves in the face of these ridiculous claims.   Back in 2015, a certain back-bencher with 30 years of experience behind him was nominated in the Labour Party leadership contest after Ed Miliband's disastrous result in the general election. The aforementioned back-bencher was nominated purely on a diversity ticket, a crusty old "Bennite" socialist, a dinosaur living out of his time in the modern land of Blair's Third Way politics. That backbencher was Jeremy Corbyn. He was nominated simply to maintain the illusion th