The Spectre of Republicanism
A spectre is haunting the UK, the spectre of republicanism, and to a lesser extent, communism. Recently, everyone's favourite producer of benighted drollery, Nigel Farage, said this: " If we destroy the monarchy then we destroy something special about our country. Harry and Meghan are doing their very best to make that become a reality. " - Tweet link Come on, Nige, what's special about the monarchy? It's an anachronistic aberration that institutionalises its members by keeping them inured to centuries-old feudal dogma under the guise of "tradition" and "convention". The sort of traditions and conventions that actively negate any semblance of humanity that a royal might otherwise, albeit "accidentally", express. They are stripped of all of the qualities that we usually consider human and instead are compelled to live a strict and rigid life guided by incommunicable, nonsensical rules that were written the best part of a millennia ago...