The Ideological Spin of "Sovereignty"

The hard-Brexit Quitlings have once again demonstrated their lack of interest in the potentially disastrous job losses our country could face if they push through with a no-deal scenario and no customs union:

This will seem like a digression but let me put this to you: sovereignty, outside of establishment spin, has never meant more freedom to make our own laws away from Brussels "Eurocrats". Not for you or I anyway. Those who are pushing for the hardest Brexit in parliament are the ones who have the least to lose and certainly not their jobs or investment portfolios and hedge funds. Have you not noticed the silver spoons in their mouths?

When was the last time you heard Jacob Rees-Mogg, Ian Duncan Smith, Boris Johnson or Nigel Farage talk about how shameful it is for a rich, first world country like ours to have its citizens using and relying on food banks? When have you ever heard them talk about the need to reduce homelessness, job insecurity and poverty? The Quitlings, the advocates of the "hard-Brexit" have never cared about the commoners, the working class, the plight of the everyday people. To them it is a game of personal prosperity; of gold plated pensions and inherited wealth. It's a gamble played with your job security as chips.

Make no bones about it, sovereignty means freedom for the aforementioned to reduce and remove human rights, your human rights. It means the freedom for them to bypass new EU tax avoidance laws, to allow the rich to get richer off of your back and your job could be but a portion of the price you'll pay. Have you noticed how the new EU tax avoidance laws come into force after the UK leaves? What a strange coincidence! That right there is the crux of their ideology, it is their sovereignty to gain and it is their wealth which will be bolstered.


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