Jeremy Corbyn's Jacket

We have reached that time of year again when the focus of our "free" press has shifted once more to Jeremy Corbyn. What has he done wrong this time? Well...

That's right. He's worn a rain jacket. On a rainy Armistice Day. The absolute bastard. Oh and apparently his poppy wasn't big enough either.

"hE's GoT nO rEsPeKt!", wail the churlish commentariat, "hE cAn AfFoRd A pRoPeR cOaT!". Seriously, check out some of the comments on the Telegraph article for example; in their eyes Corbyn is clearly a disrespectful hypocrite who hates Britain, apparently like all lefties, because he wears a plain rain jacket and what looks like a small poppy badge instead of splurging his huge wealth on a, I don't know, whatever the Lamborghini equivalent of a rain-jacket is.

There's a beautiful irony here in that on one hand you've got people claiming that Corbyn doesn't represent the working class and then on the other, the exact same people claiming that he should buy a proper jacket and look respectable instead of wearing what working class folk would probably wear!

Why on earth is this important enough to warrant being on the front page of most of the UK's press? Simply put, it's a divertissement; a diversion in this instance, created by fueling minor public outrage over the opposition, Corbyn. What are they trying to divert our attention from? Well, you can take your pick I guess...

  • The hypocrisy of attending Armistice Day parades whilst simultaneously arming Saudi Arabia to drop bombs on Yemeni civilians
  • The hypocrisy of claiming to be the real party of the working class whilst supporting sending thousands of working class people to war and then dropping bombs on them and others like them
  • The absolutely MAGNIFICENT hypocrisy of creating thousands of homeless people, including hundreds of homeless veterans through irresponsible, neo-liberal austerity policies and then having the absolute gall to attend Armistice Day parades
  • And of course the general hypocritical vein that always underlines activities of all ardent neo-liberal capital boot-lickers: Valuing economic benefit over the sanctity of human welfare. 

That's only a few I've chosen to make my point, I'm sure you could find more without trying too hard. Why aren't we as outraged over the above as we are about a bloke in a rain jacket? If we actually focused our collective outrage, if we unified, we might well do a damn good job of holding this absolute cluster-fuck of a government to account. But hey, at least Corbyn bowed correctly this time...

Of course we're yet to see whether Jeremy Corbyn measures up to his virtuous reputation in Government but at least the guy has carried these values with him throughout his long career and not compromised them in the name of profit. At least he is making the right moves by instigating the creation of a new social contract for the support of veterans. What has the government done for them? All the people under broken homes? All of those with shattered bones?

There's no profit in peace, boys, so you gotta fight some more.


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