COVID-19: Who Are The People Losing Their Lives?

Linked below is an article that is honestly and genuinely heartbreaking to read. Within it are the stories of some of the hard working people who lost their lives in a single day to Covid-19. Please read the article first before carrying on here:

These are real, everyday people. They cared, they got angry, they loved and they cried. They were mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers, and everything else. They were cleaners, nurses, doctors, carers, community leaders and tragically even mothers to be.

They might have been Tory voters, UKippers, socialists, communists, anarchists liberals or anything in between - a countless and diverse intersectional array of all aspects of life. They were all just like you and I, in many ways.

Yet they've all been subjected to the grotesque, unsubstantiated and unscientific whims of a party with a leader who has a head full of vain-glorious dreck and a cabinet with a disturbing lack of a conscience, some of whom even dabbled in ideas of eugenics.

What does your ideology matter though when those in charge deliberately sought to preserve economic activity over the most fundamental basis of it - our lives and welfare? It doesn't take a genius to realise that all human activity enables all economic activity and it doesn't take Jesus Christ himself to tell you that human life is worth preserving over all else.

We should all be angry right now and, yeah, of course we're looking for someone to blame so it seems easy to point the finger. The virus was a natural-born phenomena, there's no one to be held responsible for that or the ensuing pandemic, it'd be pointless tail-chasing to try and do so.

But those who purport to be, and were elected to be in charge should have acted much more quickly than they did and done so much more. They had the tools, the power and wealth to do just that.

But they wouldn't and they didn't.

Ideology was more important.

26,771 and counting.


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