Keep Labour Left, Or Leave - Our Short Lived Campaign


After today's announcement which I'm sure you've all seen by now, the capitulation to the so-called "whistle-blowers" by way of financial compensation and apology, I'm officially calling for an end to the campaign I started a nearly two months ago - Keep Labour Left, Or Leave!

Starmer's "apology" is being seen as an admission of guilt by the nefarious side of the party and rumours are abound of not only Corbyn having the whip removed, but also of Corbyn being sued.

This is a shorter run campaign than I expected but by this point, I imagine many of you are struggling with your conscience over whether to stay in the party, if you're still a member. I certainly am.

I hoped to run the campaign in full, to its end, and with more members, but I personally cannot stand this any longer. It seems utterly futile now to continue.

So with a heavy heart and as I stated within the original campaign material, I ask you all who signed up to resign your membership in solidarity with each other.

It's time to start a serious discussion about grassroots party and how to move forward with it.

Thank you all, in solidarity.


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