Keep Labour Left Or Leave! - A Pressure Group For The Discontent Left

Today, I launch a temporary pressure group which aims to weaponise the intent of to leave which members currently hold in order to pressure the Labour party into adhering to left policy.

Currently, discussion for this is taking place in the Facebook group The Left Wing Society. For this pressure group to achieve any of its aims and to have a significant impact, we need as many current members on board as possible.

We also need help from ex-members, supporters voters in spreading the word as far as possible

You can sign up here:

Who Are We?

We are a group of Labour Party members who are concerned with the direction the party is taking under the leadership of Keir Starmer and the contents of the #LabourLeaks

Our concerns are over policy, democracy and justice not only internationally and within the UK, but also within the Labour party itself.

How Will We Get Our Demands Across?

We seek to weaponise the discontent within the membership and the threats of the many who have expressed desire to leave the party to pressure the party into taking note of, and enacting our demands.

Leaving the party in a directionless manner, one by one, holds little weight. A large group acting as a union of members, along with the threat of withdrawing not only party support, but also payment to the party which holds collective significance, will have a better chance at having our demands met.

To this end, we give the party a limited amount of time to respond. If we are successful, the pressure group will remain permanent and work alongside other similar groups.

Pressure Group Aims
  1. Justice over #LabourLeaks scandal - a full investigation into its findings including suspension/expulsion of those involved and implicated in preventing a Labour government coming to power and those involved in making racist remarks
  2. Continued support for workers and trade unions over business and corporations. People should always come before profit
  3. True party democracy for members - decisions to be made by members at conference, not a small committee
  4. Permanent presence of socialist policy and a Green New Deal
  5. A complete rejection of privatisation and neoliberal policy
  6. Complete transparency on plans for the NHS
  7.  A full commitment to international human rights and the right to self-determination – Kashmiri and Palestinian people, for example
  8. A complete termination of the selling of weapons and arms to frequent violators of human rights - Israel, Saudi Arabia, the US etc.
  9. A complete end to all austerity policies
  10. Nationalisation of economy enabling services - transport, utilities, education, the NHS etc.
  11. A commitment to electoral reform - a change to a system of proportional representation

What If We Fail In Our Aims?

Then we elect to all leave the party at once and throw our collective weight into either joining another socialist party or founding our own, from the grass-roots up. 

If we are to form another party, there will need to be rigorous discussion and application of democracy at every step. If a party is founded upon democratic principles, it is less likely to be corrupted or be corruptible. 

Join our fight today just like many others already have!


  1. Starmer and his Blairite supporters are now in control of the LP and will drive it even further right. Hanging around and hoping for something to turn up is merely putting off the inevitable. We are on the verge of a period of mass unemployment, cuts to vital services and attacks on the most vulnerable people in our society. With Corbynism dead there is now no voice for the working class in parliament, Labour is now capitalism`s second eleven. We need action NOW not is some unspecified future, we need amass workers party and we need it now. Come and join the Socialist Party and help us build such a party.


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