
Showing posts from July, 2020

Resigning From Labour

I've seen many aggrieved Jewish comrades across Twitter today in light of Labour's capitulation to so-called whistle-blowers. The refusal to address the contents of the leaked report and its subsequent media blackout is a damning indictment on the state of this party. Let's be very clear here - there was/is most definitely a small contingent of anti-semites lurking within the party, this was never in doubt. I'd seen a few examples of it myself; holocaust denial, straight up conflation of Israel with world-controlling Jews, for example. But these instances were few and far between. The fact that Starmer chose to apologise to and compensate so-called whistleblowers rather than the Jewish comrades whose route to justice was obscenely obstructed by the factionalism and careerism of the aforementioned is troubling to say the least. Justice would've have been for those implicated to be suspended or expelled from the party and compensation proffered to the Jewish comrades

Keep Labour Left, Or Leave - Our Short Lived Campaign

Comrades, After today's announcement which I'm sure you've all seen by now, the capitulation to the so-called "whistle-blowers" by way of financial compensation and apology, I'm officially calling for an end to the campaign I started a nearly two months ago - Keep Labour Left, Or Leave! Starmer's "apology" is being seen as an admission of guilt by the nefarious side of the party and rumours are abound of not only Corbyn having the whip removed, but also of Corbyn being sued. This is a shorter run campaign than I expected but by this point, I imagine many of you are struggling with your conscience over whether to stay in the party, if you're still a member. I certainly am. I hoped to run the campaign in full, to its end, and with more members, but I personally cannot stand this any longer. It seems utterly futile now to continue. So with a heavy heart and as I stated within the original campaign material, I ask you all who signed up to resign

Keep Labour Left Or Leave! - A Pressure Group For The Discontent Left

Today, I launch a temporary pressure group which aims to weaponise the intent of to leave which members currently hold in order to pressure the Labour party into adhering to left policy. Currently, discussion for this is taking place in the Facebook group The Left Wing Society. For this pressure group to achieve any of its aims and to have a significant impact, we need as many current members on board as possible. We also need help from ex-members, supporters voters in spreading the word as far as possible You can sign up here: Who Are We? We are a group of Labour Party members who are concerned with the direction the party is taking under the leadership of Keir Starmer and the contents of the #LabourLeaks Our concerns are over policy, democracy and justice not only internationally and within the UK, but also within the Labour party itself. How Will We Get Our Demands Across? We seek to weaponise the discontent within the membership and the threats